Good news for Ana

On January 22, Danny and Rianne went to the orthopedist with Ana in connection with the preparations for the planned operation on Ana's right foot. (Ana was born with a defect in her feet that makes her walk on her toes all the time) In July 2018 Ana already had surgery on her left foot and this surgery went well. Very well …

house Nadina

The family house has been named Casa Nadina. Casa means house, Nadina means hope. The name also embraces the objective of the Obed Foundation to provide a hopeful future for children in a safe home.

Start fundraising for the purchase and remodeling of the Family house

After a long period of preparation, the time has finally come. We would like to proceed with the purchase of the house. This is necessary to ensure that the investments we make in the property are maintained and that the family home can always be a family home. The current situation, in which the property is rented, cannot do this…